Von: Luzie [luzie@fromrocktokraut.com] Gesendet: Thursday, October 09, 2008 4:39 PM An: writers@bluebottlefly.com Betreff: Expat book on Germany at the Frankfurt Book Fair Dear Expats in Germany, We would like to draw your attention to the following book on Germany by a South African expat that is receiving rave reviews. Internationally (US/UK) it is being traded as From Rock to Kraut. However it has just been selected as Book of the Month by veteran publisher Vito von Eichborn and is now on sale in Germany (in English) in a second edition as Basteln, Wandern and Putzen. Except for the different title and a foreword by Von Eichborn this book is identical to From Rock to Kraut Anli Serfontein: Basteln, Wandern and Putzen: From South Africa to Trier. Life among the Krauts – Tales from Germany. ISBN-13: 978-3837062168, 224 pages., € 14.90 BoD http://www.fromrocktokraut.com/germany.html Anli Serfontein: From Rock to Kraut. ISBN 978-3-8334-8904-4. 216 p, € 14.90 http://www.fromrocktokraut.com/online.html Both editions of the book will be on display at the Frankfurt Book Fair 15 - 19 October: From Rock to Kraut at the stand of Foreword Magazine - Hall 8.0 S994 Basteln, Wandern and Putzen at the BoD stand - Hall 3.0 D161 From Rock to Kraut Anli Serfontein From urban South Africa to ancient, small-town Germany. One scribes tale of everyday life among the Krauts, spiced with memorable, historical encounters. A Rock is a derogatory term for people of Afrikaans descent, while a Kraut is an offensive name for a German. Here, however, the terms are used lovingly and self-deprecatingly, as South African born journalist Anli Serfontein humorously narrates the story of her journey from urban Johannesburg to small-town Trier in Germany. She takes the reader on a journey through everyday life, as she struggles to deal with convoluted red-tape, arrogant teachers, extreme tidiness and the inability of 80 million people to queue. She battles to keep up with the locals and their town, and wine and harvest- festivals. Her tale is spiced with accounts of her travels as a BBC television researcher, meeting Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn in his villa in Rotterdam days before his murder or speaking to the last surviving officer to be with Hitler in the Berlin bunker during the last days of the war. "Funny and true-to-life, thoughtful, precise and totally entertaining," veteran German publisher Vito von Eichborn's choice as Book of the Month. "Her tale will appeal to anyone building a home outside of South Africa," Editor's Choice, SA Times More information and excerpts of the book on our website: www.fromrocktokraut.com Best regards, Luzie Sennewald Marketing Assistent 54295 Trier Germany Tel: ++.49.(0)651.33151 Email: luzie@fromrocktokraut.com Website: www.fromrocktokraut.com Upcoming Events: Anli will be at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the 15th and 16th of October. On the 7th of November she is reading in English Books in Heidelberg at 19h30 – all welcome.